Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thankful Thursday

This week some things I am thankful for...

  • After a delicious meal this last week Andrew said, "Thanks mom that was the best dinner in the whole world."  I was standing at the sink when he said this and it really touched me because I am not naturally a good cook nor do I especially like cooking (blush).  My husband is the one that usually gets the compliments about how delicious his meals are.  If you are wondering what I made for dinner, we had a cheesy potato and ham soup with broccoli and cauliflower with fresh dinner rolls.
  • After 7 days with Scott home his load cancelled again AND we got another 3 days with him home!  TEN (10!!!) FULL DAYS with my best friend home.  I had so much fun taking care of him and serving him meals this week. 
  • Last Friday morning Andrew got up and made scrambled eggs all by himself and then brought them and a glass of water in a fancy glass to his dad who was still sleeping.  He loves to bless others and I'm so thankful for this.
  • Fresh raw milk from the farm. 
  • For physical rest while I ice my knee
  • For my chiropractor who is helping me with my knee
  • For God's amazing healing plants (comfrey) that is helping speed healing in the bone cartilage in my knee
  • For my boys who are very good at helping out around the house
  • The smell of fresh cut grass
  • The girls that come to my weekly Bible study
  • The entertainment that the kittens give us.
  • A warm cup of coffee with fresh raw milk


  1. I love reading your thankful posts. :) Always so much to be thankful for, isn't there!?!? :)

  2. Indeed there is! Have a beautiful day with Jesus, Emily.
