Monday, June 10, 2013

A June Daybook (2)

For today:  Monday, June 10th, 2013

Outside my window... The sun is shining!  I wasn't so sure it would make an appearance after this mornings misty/foggy start.

I am hearing and watching...  the Homestead Blessings The Art of Bread Making dvd ~ I borrowed it from the library last week and am finally watching it.  There are some delicious looking bread recipes on here.

I am thinking ...  that my best friend is too far away and I miss her so much!

I am thankful for ...
  • the piano my mom gave our family last fall. 
  • Sound teaching from the elders of our church that teaches and challenges us to examine ourselves in light of the Scriptures.

In the kitchen... fresh cinnamon bread with frosting.

I am wearing... This is the 3rd Monday in a row that I've worn my green t-shirt.  I'm sensing a theme but it isn't on purpose.  :)

I am creating... some pretty spaces in my bedroom.  I sorted through a stack of books on my night stand and narrowed them down to two books and a magazine that I will read from a little bit here and there before bedtime.  I had a stack of about 10 books and it was looking pretty cluttered.  I put the 2 books and magazine in a basket with a doily hanging out the front.  It looks much simpler and less cluttered and makes me smile. 

I also brought in a couple of new items for on my dresser.  My digital alarm clock quit working this last week and I wanted something a bit different so I bought this analog alarm clock.  I love it!  I think what I love best is that if I wake during the night I can't see what time it.  :)  It does have some glow in the dark hands but they don't glow hardly at all.  Instead of worrying over how much time I have left before I need to start my day, I just roll over and fall back asleep. 

The clock looked a little small compared to the space my old alarm clock took up so I placed it on top of this decorative box that used to be in the bathroom. 

I am going... to the library and to take the boys to baseball. 

I am praying for ... my best friend and her family as they begin a new season in their life, in a new state.   May the Lord bless them during this time of transition and give them wisdom and favor. 

I am reading... (I wonder if/when I'll finish this book...) I'm still reading A Love that Multiplies by Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar.

I am hoping...  that we'll find homes and not barns for our four kittens.  We love them so much.  If only they stayed this little!

I am looking forward to... bed!  I was in bed by 8:30 last night and asleep by 9pm!  It was so nice.  I wish tonight could be a repeat but I know it'll be a later evening because of baseball.

I am learning... to put up barriers - to not be concerned about anything but what God has called me to be doing.  This isn't such an easy thing for me but something I need to learn.

Around the house... Andrew has a selection of readers from the library scattered on the coffee table as well as a word search book and a pen.  The kitchen is clean and our dinner (spaghetti bake) is already assembled and waiting to go in the oven.  The school room needs to be straightened up after this mornings lessons and there is a celery/water science experiment on the window sill.  I've processed and folded a load of laundry and have one load left.  

In the learning room...  We had a full morning of lessons today.  We are schooling Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week and will take Thursday and Friday off.  I need to order a few things for Jonathan but haven't decided on a few specifics for History yet.

One of my favorite things...  family worship, especially when daddy is home in the mornings with us like he was today.

A few plans for the rest of the week:   A trip to the library, baseball, Bible study and lots of yard work!

A picture I'm sharing... our celery experiment.  Moved from the school room to the kitchen window.  Isn't the blue water pretty.

This post is linked to The Simple Woman's Daybook.


  1. What a lovely day :) m.

  2. Replies
    1. Jennifer, don't look in my closet or a few drawers in the kitchen or my basement. :o) Thanks for visiting.
