Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Daybook for April 23rd

Outside my window... The sun is shining and there is a wonderful breeze blowing in the windows.

I am hearing... The sound of the lawn mower while Samantha mows. The voices of my husband and boys are floating in through my open window. They are working out in the garage. Spring cleaning and yard work is in full force.

I am thinking... about how faithful the Lord is and how even in the midst of a storm I have peace.

I am thankful for... my husband. He works very diligently and very hard! He and Jonathan built me a clothesline. We've not had one since we've lived in town and it brought me such joy today to hang clothes up outside and to see them blowing in the wind. :)

I am wearing... a green and white tank top and some capri's. I am barefoot and just came in from hanging clothes on my new clothesline. :)

From the kitchen... Samantha and I peeled and diced potatoes and beef sausage earlier this morning and put together this yummy recipe for lunch. Tonight we are having a taco pie.

I am going... to hang another load of clothes on the line soon.

I am creating... a skirt. Lisa, a sweet sister in the Lord and friend is helping/teaching me to sew. I do o.kay with the sewing part; its the reading a pattern that I need help with. Plus, its plain fun to fellowship and learn alongside someone else. Thanks, Lisa!

I am pondering... the goodness of the Lord and how merciful and gracious he has been in my life.

I am looking forward to... cashing out tax refund and getting caught up with some things around here. :)

From the learning rooms... No school today. We did family worship this morning and then everyone got their marching orders as to who was doing what. Samantha and I worked in the house and the boys, along with a friend of Jon's who showed up this morning, worked for 3 hours cleaning, sorting and organinzing things in the garage. What a blessing to have this young man come and just jump in and help.

We are switching our Friday and Monday around this week. Usually Friday is our light or no school day but with Scott still home for the day and because the weekend was rainy we decided to switch them around and get some house/yard up-keep done.

I am reading... Family Driven Faith

I am praying... for our friends the Rolfzen's who are missionaries in Peru. The Amazon River flooded 6 weeks ago and is still expected to rise over the next two weeks. Camp Amazon, a camp for the underprivleged youth and homeless youth was set to begin but because of flooding they have cancelled the camps and instead are taking the camps along with food, clean water and other supplies to the thousands of displaced families living in small tents provided by the government. What little sanitation they had is severely compromised and disease is quickly spreading. Please, pray for the Rolfzens and the misnitry teams and for the Peruvian people. I've included some pictures below. If you'd like to donate financialy this would be greatly appreciated. You can do so online at www.newcreationwoc.org . Just click on the Give tab and then World Missions and scroll down until you find the Rolfzens in Peru. All monies donated go directly to the Rolfzen's ministry and are not filtered through the churchs' finances.

A picture thought I'm sharing....


{one of the tent cities ~ they found a family of 12 living in one of these}

{members of the team praying for one of the families}

(Team members (in the green) talking with families}


I just love the above picture. What joy on the children's faces where just hours before there was sadness and despair.

{Trent and Shawn Rolfzen}

{Many families do not want to leave their homes even though they can not get in them. They are afraid of what little they have being stolen.}

{mini Camp Amazon ~ you can see the water in the background}

Please, keep the Peruvian people in your prayers and the work of our friends the Rolfzens.

Thank you to Peggy for hosting the Daybook. Stop by HERE to read more entries.

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