My desk is cleaned off and I sorted through the drawers and dusted everything. I hung up the world map along with a map of persecuted countries so that we can remember to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters this year. I have a few papers to file and need to sort through a few files in my cabinet but my teacher corner is looking pretty good.
Today, I am looking for some extra activities to go along with our 2 week study on the United States. I found a few online geography games and art projects that we'll do. I also spent the day making copies that we'll need for the first 6 weeks while studying North America. Next on the list is to inter-library loan the books we'll need for our 2 week study on the United States & the desert. These books go into what we call our book basket. During our book basket time each day the kids spend 15 minutes reading/looking at any of the books from the basket. I schedule book basket time for around 11:00 a.m. and I'm able to either do a quick chore, return a phone call or work on lunch prep. during that time.
Well, my break is over. Back to work! :o)
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