Monday, August 5, 2013

August Daybook

FOR TODAY ~ Monday evening, July 29th, 2013

 Outside my window...  a beautiful Monday although I'm enjoying it from the inside today.
I am hearing... Canon in D

I am thankful for...

  • That my husband is home most weekends
  • For the funds available to purchase a few new curriculum choices for the year.
  • For the prayers of friends
Kitten Capades... Charlotte got her head stuck in a mason jar glass that we use for drinking.  There was a little bit of milk in the glass and she stuck her head in it to lick it out and then couldn't get her head out.  It took quite awhile for my husband to get her out.   
In the kitchen...  Jonathan is making supper tonight since I am not feeling well. 
I am wearing... my nightgown - I came home from church yesterday and went to bed.  I slept until 7 pm, got up and watched a movie with my family and went back to bed.  This morning I've still not felt good. I took another nap, shower and put on a new nightgown and am looking forward to going back to bed early tonight. 
I am creating...  a prayer shawl
I am going...   keep praying for my children to know and love the Lord with all of their hearts, soul, mind and strength.
I am thinking... that it doesn't seem possible that I will have two children over the age of 18 in a few short days.   Here is a picture of three of the kids.  Samantha and then my sister Amanda who is holding Christoper and Jonathan, who will turn 18 on Saturday.'
Samantha and Jonathan - I believe this was 2006 or 2007.  They grow up so quickly.  Samantha is now 19 and Jonathan will be 18.
I am reading...  Tortured for Christ and His Protecting Hand
I am hoping...  that my allergies clear up - this is a repeat from last week.  From mid summer until a hard freeze I suffer from allergies.  Usually just a day or two a week but it is very draining on my body.
In the Learning Room... Everything is ready to begin.  All of the new curriculum we ordered is in!
Around the house...  Monday is laundry day and although I've been processing it, I haven't folded any yet.  I tried to do loads that wouldn't matter if they wrinkled a little.  I'm hoping the boys can have a folding party later tonight and get it folded for me.
I am pondering... how to best encourage and pray for my sweet friend, Beckie and her family.
A favorite blog post I read this last week... no new post this week.  I haven't had time to be reading online.
One of my favorite things...  campfires and S'mores.  Scott and the boys had a fire last night.  I couldn't join them because of being sick but they did bring me in a few s'mores.  Mmmm
A few plans for the rest of the week:  I am going to try to lay low and stay home as much as I can this week because we have a really busy weekend.  I have a chiropractor appointment and Bible study on Wednesday but other than that I am staying put and resting.
A peek into my day...  Nap time
This post is linked at The Simple Woman's Daybook.



  1. Hope you are feeling better soon!!! Will be praying for you. :)

    1. Thank you, Emily. I'm feeling better tonight. It usually last a day or two. I appreciate the prayers though.
