Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I've been juicing off and on for over a year now and I truly believe this is the one thing that has helped me the most with my Fibromyalgia. Getting quality, organic vegetables into my body 2-3 times a day through juicing feeds my cells on a cellular level and boosts my energy through the roof! :)

I was graciously given a Champion Juicer last year by a wonderful friend and immeadiately started using it. When I first started juicing I stuck to carrots and granny smith apples but now I throw just about any vegetable in there that I have on had.

Below you'll see the pictures I took one morning last week from start to finish.

Prepping vegetables by far takes the most amount of time and even though I use organic carrots and wouldn't need to peel them, I find that my juice is a little bitter if I don't.

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This batch of juice was 5lbs carrots, 3 granny smith apples, 1 cucumber (this was not organic so I peeled it), 3 ribs of celery, left over red cabbage and spinach.

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I keep all of my juicing supplies in a kitchen drawer (minus the juicer which stays on the counter and the pitcher and strainer which is in another counter under the juicer).

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Everything on the counter and ready to begin.

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Andrew loves to help me juice. His help and muscles are always appreciated. :o)

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See the green spinach?

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Pretty purple for the cabbage.

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Here is the pulp... aren't the colors pretty? God's amazing healing foods are colorful and full of life, not bland and boring.

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Straining the juice into a pitcher as we go.

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Six yummy 8 oz jars of juice. This will last me two days if I drink three juices a day or three days if I drink two a day. It just depends on how my days are going. The juice is best consumed on an empty stomach so that it can reach cellular level and not have to go through the digestive process. If I have a busy day out of the house I usually only get two juices in each day. It is also best to wait 30 minutes after a glass of juice to eat.

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The worst part... clean up time. I do not put my juicing parts in the dishwasher I rinse them in warm water, dry them to avoid hard water stains and then put them back in my juicing drawer.

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The dishes are done...

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and my counter is clean, until next time. :0)

As I am finishing up this post it is now 8pm on Monday night. I've had a long day but still need to go down and do my juicing for the next few days. It takes me about an hour start to finish if I am doing it alone and considerably less if I have help. Tonight I will be doing it alone, kids are going to bed and hubby is working on taxes.

Today I'll be adding some zuchinni in place of the cucumber and also some broccoli to my juice. I always juice the carrots, celery and apples and everything else is dependent upon what I have on hand. I do have spinach and cabbage so I'll be doing those too.

I should mention that the juice will keep well in the fridge for 3 days but of course it is best if consumed fresh. I fill the jars up to the top and then use the plastic twist on lids for my jars. If you use the regular canning jar tops, I would recommend placing a this layer of saran wrap on the top so that it is not coming in contact with the jar lid.

Happy Juicing! If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try and answer them.

I am participating in Tasty Tuesday. Stop by to see what other tasty foods bloggers are fixing.

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