FOR TODAY ~ Monday, November 4th, 2013
Outside my window... The howling wind of yesterday has been replaced with gentle breezes and steady rain. A cool, cloudy day; perfect for staying indoors.
I'm wearing... A blue tiered skirt, red turtleneck and a white fleece zip up vest. I'm quite patriotic today. :o)
I am hearing... quiet - I can actually hear the hum of the refridgerator.
I am thinking... about leading a quiet and peaceable life for the next month. For the last 2 months life has been moving so quickly and I feel a bit like I'm being forced along for the ride. My prayer for November is for my life to be small and quiet at home.
I am thankful... for life, my sons, snippets of time with my daughter, quiet evenings, candles, the Lord's direction in my life and His Word spoken and confirmed to me.
I am going... have an eye towards God's blessings, this month as we, as a family, journal 30 things each day we are thankful to the Lord for.
I am wondering... If I could do all of my holiday shopping online and not have to battle the crowds and advertisements of instore shopping. :) I'm sure I will not be able to, but it was a nice thought.
I am reading... I have a new stack of books waiting for me to read! I finished reading Women Living Well (I read it twice!). I just started a book that I found at the thrift store called First We'll Have Coffee. The title is what really grabbed my attention. Coffee!!! It is a collection of short stoies about a Scandinavian pastors wife.
Also in my bedside basket waiting to be read are What Do I Know About My God and The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur: The Woman Whose Goodness Changed Her Husband From Atheist to Priest. The sub title of this book caught is what really caught my attention, I opened to read a few pages of the book and after reading the following, put the book in my cart:
"My beloved wife, Elisabeth, prayed incessantly for my return to the Faith and to the practice of religion; day by day for this intention did she accept and offer up all her privations, sacrifices, trials, sufferings, and at the end, even her death.
But she did this secretly, for she never argued with me and never spoke to me of the supernatural side of her life, save by her example. She carried out herself the advice that she gave in her Journal: "Let us not think that by our personal action we can hasten the coming of God's Kingdom in souls.... let us make this appeal to Him with the humble conviction that He alone will do what must be done, and will bring life to the souls for which we care and pray."
Around the house... Jonathan is working today until 3pm and Christopher is still sleeping. Andrew is with his dad in the semi for a couple of days, thus the "quiet".
In the kitchen... I am using up the food we have in our cupboards and freezers and slowly transitioning to a simple, God created menu and going to avoid as much processed, sugar laden foods as possible.
From the Learning Room... a treasure of resources gathered together in a basket to be enjoyed daily. More on this basket of liturgy soon.
One of my favorite things... My children. A days gone by photo:
A few plans for the rest of the week: Praying for a quiet week of rest for my anxious spirit.
A peek into my day... a poetry selection to be memorized