Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Daybook for Feb. 27th

Hello! I hope you are having a great start to your week.


Outside my window... It is still dark out but soon the sun will make an appearance and our day will begin.

I am hearing... the whir of the fan in my bedroom. Everything else is quiet.

I am thinking... I shouldn't have exercised last night because I got REALLY hungry afterwards and broke my no eating after 8pm rule. I have been working out in the mornings, usually before lunch, and then cool down and wait about 30 minutes to eat. This has worked out great because by evening I have been doing pretty good and have started to break the night time snacking habbit that I've had for so many years. This is the second time in the last 10 days that I've had a night time workout and was ravenous afterwards.

I am thankful for... a fun family game night on Saturday evening. Our family loves to play board games. Saturday's game was Pay Day. I made 48,300 dollars in 4 months. Wouldn't that be nice!

I am wearing... a denim wrap around skirt and a blue/white plaid flannel shirt with blue knee highs that remind me of my grade school Catholic school uniform days, and my Crocs.

In the kitchen... I really haven't been in the kitchen much the last week. I am trying to stay away from there at least until I have the cravings under controll. My daughter has taken over cooking dinner and its been a nice break for me.

I am going... to remember and think about the message from church yesterday. The account of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, even the one who would betray him and how to do so would require love for him even though Judas was not fully committed to the Lord. Also one of our elders showed us the point in Scripture where Judas' life shifted and he pushed away from God, that was in the account of the woman who poured the costly oil out on Jesus (in the book of Matthew). I never noticed that right after that account it says that that was when one of the twelve went unto the chief priest and said what will ye give me and I will deliver him unto you. Wow! It was right after Jesus had said that wherever the gospel is preached that what this woman had done would be told as a memorial to her. Judas' actions right after Jesus said this really revealed his heart. Very good message and lots to think on this week.

I am creating... I am working on an afghan to have on hand as a gift for this next year. I do have pictures of some of the strips but haven't uploaded them yet. The colors are a deep lavender, teal blue and cream.

I am wondering... should I plant a garden this year or not. The idea of gardening always appeals to me but I am not very diligent with it and there ends up being quite a bit of waste. Scott did most of the work in the garden last year as I was still recovering from my back injury. We did enjoy the very few fruits or should I say vegetables of our labor but with our daughters graduation this year, I am kind of leaning towards not doing it.

I am reading... In the book of Leviticus and Proverbs and am reading the book The Hole in our Gospel (very slowly).

I am hoping... to work off the crackers and cheese I ate too late last night. ;-)

I am looking forward to... a fun summer with the kids. We've decided to get Valley Fair passes again! I think mommy might be a roller coaster junkie. I LOVE IT!! Last year we would get off the Wild Thing and run right back into the line. Sometimes we would do it 5 times in a row! As much as I love the coasters, I do not like the power tower, although I did do it twice.

From the learning rooms... Christopher is going to be doubling up some of his subjects over the next month in an attempt to finish up early so that the month of May isn't so packed and stressed leading up to our daughters graduation. Andrew and I haven't done a Five in a Row book in a few weeks. We've really only been accomplishing the basics. I am working with him through the Children's Prove It Catechism, doing math, reading and spelling and that's about it.

Leap year is on Wednesday and on Thursday March comes in, like a lion, perhaps? I haven't had a chance to see the weather forecast for the week yet so we'll see. On Friday we will have a little celebration time for Dr. Suess Day. Andrew's favorite books to read are Dr. Suess; truth be told, I don't care for them much. I think he likes the repetition and silliness of them. His favorite is Green Eggs and Ham and so I will let him watch this video of Tim Tebow reading Green Eggs and Ham.

One of my favorite things... my husbands very quick wit. Goodness he is funny.

A peek into my day... lots of laundry. Monday's are my laundry day and I try to get as much done as possible. We also have piano lessons and library day today too, then home for a quiet evening to rest up for an even busier Tuesday. Thankfully I have my two busiest days back to back and then the rest of the week we are free of committments.

A picture thought I'm sharing... I thought it would be fun to share over the next few weeks some pictures from our earlier years of homeschooling. These are from 6 years ago.

Here are Samantha, Jonathan and Christopher with their Challah coverings, a project we did when studying Shabbat.


Here are Samantha and Christopher making the bread


Sammi braiding (Christopher in dinosaur p.j.'s and sunglasses... oh the fun of homeschooling freedoms)


All ready to bake and the finished product (yes Christopher dips his head in every picture, *smile*)



Thank you to Peggy, at The simple Woman's Daybook for hosting this.

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