Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday Hodgepodge

When I look at the sky I feel
awe, to think there are billions of people all over this world.  I sometimes feel very small but it reminds me that God knows each and every person who lives under this same sky.
2. If you had to run for political office, which one would you run for? Do you have any real desire to actually do this?

Oh, my what a "thinker" question.  :-) I think I would run for congress.  I find the process of lawmaking interesting.

3. What scent makes you think of home?
I don't remember a scent from growing up at home but I love the scent of cider that I try to have in my home. 

 4. How often do you take a step back to think about where you're headed in life? Do you need more or less self-reflection?
I probably spend quite a bit of time in self-reflection and probably need to spend less time reflecting and more time doing. ~smile~

5. July is National Ice Cream Month...besides a cone, what's your favorite food item to top with ice cream?
Mmmm I love ice cream over warm apple pie!  I can just picture the melted ice cream swirling together with the warm ooey gooey apple goodness.  Mmmm!

 6. What might your autobiography be called?
Everyday Sacred... Finding the Sacred in Everyday Moments

 7. Your least favorite mode of transportation? Why?
I've never traveled by bus or train so I would have to say plane.  I've flown 4 times and each time it did a number on my nerves.  I am nervous the entire time and if the weather is iffy than I'm even more nervous.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 
I am really enjoying my Fitbit Flex.  I've had it for a week now and over the last week have walked over 100,000 steps and 41 miles!  It might just be the honeymoon phase of the device but it has me thinking of creative ways to get those steps in.  My favorite feature is being able to connect with friends who also have the device and cheering each other on.  A little healthy competition.  :-)


  1. I'm stopping by from the Hodgepodge. I agree with you about warm apple pie and ice cream! Yum.
    I'm not sure what a Fitbit Flex is, but you're the second blogger who's mentioned having one in recent days. Yay for anything that gets us up and moving :)

  2. Welcome to the Hodgepodge! I have not been using my fitbit in recent weeks. I do go to a boot camp three times a week, and walk the other days, so am getting lots of steps in : ) I'm an anxious flyer too.
