For Today:: Tuesday, February 24th, 2014
Outside My Window:: Overcast but bright, lots of snow.
I am Thinking:: About how to balance so many different things in my life so that I am able to be doing what God wants from me in these areas.
I am Thankful For:: Still thankful for hot soothing drinks as Andrew and I are still sick. :(
In the Kitchen:: The dishwasher is running and supper is in the crockpot.
I am Wearing:: Jeans, a white t-shirt and white socks. Hair is up in a pony tail.
I am Creating:: An afghan for my daughter's birthday, slippers for a friends birthday, Flylady Zone detailed cleaning lists.
I am going:: To stay home today. <3
I am Reading:: If I Perish, by Esther Ahn Kim
We are Looking Forward To:: Healing and returning to our normal activities.
I am Learning:: That I can't do everything, but I can do what God calls me to.
Around the House:: Lots of coughing and headaches (still!). Working on implementing Flylady Zones. This week is Zone 5, which for me is the living room and school room. So far today I've almost completed the school room. I've sorted through the cabinets and straightened up supplies (markers, crayons, glue sticks, paint, papers etc.). Washed down and straightened up the came shelves and school book shelves. The book baskets have been straightened up and Christmas, Winter and even some Thanksgiving books have been pulled and put in the basement until next year. Left to do: Wipe down light fixtures, clean off my desk and dust. The rest of the week will be spent in the living room.
I am a Wondering:: How so many crumbs, legos, pens, pencils, socks and money can get under the couch cushions. Sheesh!
One of My Favorite Things:: Quiet afternoons crocheting, which I'll hopefully be doing after I finish my blog break and cleaning for the day. :)
A Few Plans For the Rest of the Week:: Hopefully fully recovering from being sick, a weight watchers meeting, gym time, grocery shopping.
A Peek Into My Day::
A peek at the detailed cleaning lists that I have so far. These pages are in the back of my planner.
This post is linked at The Simple Woman's Daybook blog, February edition.